Life Science. A topic in science that covers all living things. This is usually covered in the elementary years but you can take what you need from the different sciences and use it for any grade. The different area include: human body, animals, botany and living and non-living things.
Mr. Q's Life Science Curriculum. This is a whole life science curriculum for FREE. There is a Parent Copy and a Student Copy you can download. You can download the unit, the chapter or the whole text.
Biology 4 Kids. I know it's listed as biology but there are some things on this site that can be used for advanced life science lessons.
Zoom on the PBS website has science experiments for many areas of science. Scroll down to the "Life Science" section and you can click on an experiment and it will take you to a page with instructions for the experiment and also the results of the experiment submitted by kids who have tried them.
Free Human Body Curriculum for PreK-1st grade, 6th-8th grade and high school from Guest Hollow.
Home Science Tools has made a list of life science experiments for you to try out.
Life Science Unit Study lens on Squidoo. There is a book list for all areas of life science. Nicely put together unit.
Ms Nucleus Life Science Unit for Elementary Students. Not visually appealing to the eye but has some nice supplemental ideas for a life science unit. They also have a unit for SECONDARY STUDENTS. Check out the biological science and human biology links.
Squidoo has too many human body units to list here. Check out the search page for all their human body lenses . You'll find unit studies, lapbooks and experiments.
Squidoo also has Botany and Plants Unit Study.
Human Body Units listed for K-8th grade
Life Science Unit created by a 6th grade teacher.
Living Science Book List for the different areas of life science.
For more life science resources, check out my Pinterest boards
Science- Plants
Science- Animals and Life Science
Science- Human Body
Homeschool Science - This is my catch-all board for things that aren't dedicated to a particular branch of science
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