Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cheap Homeschooling ebooks

Every once in a while I come across a homeschool mom who writes very helpful articles about homeschooling.  I have my favorites and will soon do a post on my favorite homeschool blogs but that's not what today's post is about.  One of my favorite homeschool bloggers, Tamara L.Chilver, who authors "Teaching with TLC" has a collection of homeschooling and after-school ebooks for sale on for $1 (on most titles).  She is a former public school teacher turned homeschool mom who writes to help other moms who take their children's education into their own hands.  Her books are informative and helpful to anyone looking to try a new approach to homeschooling. 

In her ebook,  Cut your Homeschool Day in Half, Tamara points out 25 things that we unintentionally do to eat up time in our typical homeschool day.  Her suggestions are very insightful and give you that "why didn't I think of that" moment.  Best of all it's only $1.  Follow this link to check it out.

Free ebook.  You heard me right; free ebook.  Her ebook, Tricks of the Trade:  10 Teaching Tips Every Parent Should Know she discusses ways to make learning more enjoyable to both student and teacher.  And who doesn't want that?  And did I mention that it's FREE?!  Click Here.

She has several other titles that are only $1. You can check them out at and see for yourself.  Just look under "Publishers" and Click on "Teaching with TLC" or Click Here and it will take you to her page.  Don't forget to check out her blog, Teaching With TLC

No, I was not prompted or paid for this post.  I'm just a fan.  :)

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