Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Our Homeschool Curriculum 2014-2015

It has been nearly 2 years since I made my last blog post.  My life just got so busy that it became necessary to put my blogging aside for the time.

I just thought my followers would like to know what curriculum I'm using this year.  I like to read what other homeschoolers are using.  Mostly because I think the combinations people use are fascinating.  I've learned about a lot of new curricula that way.  I have 3 girls and I will call them by their nicknames.  I don't like going by graded levels, so for the sake of not putting them in a graded box, I will include their age instead.

Missy Boo, age 10

Language Arts: Living Literature by Cindy West. We really like this curriculum.  It is literature based and for grades 3-5.  It doesn't cover a full year so I've had to write my own lessons to go along with it to make it last an entire year using literature of our choosing.  I just used Cindy's LL as a model.  So far, I plan to use Little House in the Big Woods and By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder and anything else that we might find interesting.

Copywork: Most of her Copywork will be included in her Language Arts but she will also use our Scripture Memory verses.

Reading:  Some of the titles will be of her choosing, some will correlate with Living Literature and others will be from the 1000 Good Books List.

Math: Christian Light Education (CLE) Math 400.  This is our second year with this math program and she really likes it.  Honestly, in some areas I think this math is a little more advanced (as far as grade level) than other programs but I love how its laid out and how it allows her to be more independent with her math.
Plus Living Math!!

Geography:  Trail Guide to World Geography.  She requested that we use something for Mapping and Geography independent from all of our studies. I already had this in my home library, so I thought I'd use it.  I got it for Christmas from my mom (Thanks, mom!).  That lets you know how much of a nerd I am. The Teacher's Manual has the questions in it but it is really nice to just print the Daily Drill questions and maps from the CD-Rom.  If you plan to use this and have the money purchase the CD-Rom, it's worth it.

Art: Art with a Purpose: ArtPac4. While we love art it just always seems to be on the back burner.  I'm hoping that her using this independently will get it done.  It's our first year with this, so we'll see how it goes.  Really and truly, it's a great value for a whole year of art.
    She also has an art co-op class this fall (one day a week) and the it will be using lessons from this book: Discovering Great Artists.

Science:  Another co-op class this fall (one day a week) and we will be using Focus on Chemistry for grades 5-8.  

Piano: Alfred's Premier Piano Course 1A.  She got this for Christmas and has been DYING to use this.  We will begin this next month.

Fomowhop, Age 8

Language Arts: Learning Language Arts Through Literature- finish Red Book and Begin on Yellow Book.   

Reading: Some titles for reading will already be in LLATL but we will also use the Sonlight Grade 2 reading list (I bought the readers used for about 1/3 of the new price) and 1000 Good Books List

Copywork: Most of her copywork is in LLATL but she will also be using her Scripture Memory Verses for copywork.

Penmanship: A Reason for Handwriting C.  I bought this for $1 at our homeschool group's used book sale.  Only a few of the cursive letter practice pages were missing.  If I need practice pages I can use the Amazing Handwriting Worksheet Maker. Its FREE!

Math:  Christian Light Education (CLE) Math 200. 
Plus Living Math!!

Geography: Co-op class this fall (one day a week). She will be learning about US State facts and mapping.

Art: Art with a Purpose: ArtPac3

Science: Co-op class this fall.  She will be studying Hands-on Physics but I have no idea what curriculum-- if any-- that the teacher will use.

Missy Boo and Fomowhop Together

Five in a Row.  We will be using a random selection of books from Volumes 1-4 and studying according to the season or whatever strikes our fancy.

Bible: Finish Foundations 1: Creation to Christ and begin Foundations 2: Christ our Messiah.

Netts, Age 3 

Don't think I'm going to go out and buy a complete all-on-one preschool program with additional bells and whistles.  That's just not for me.  I've learned my lesson with little ones.  Learning comes naturally for them and they learn best through play.  I simply need ideas for fun activities and learning moments.  I'm mostly including a list of books that I will use for inspiration.  I bought all of these books used (except the ebooks on Currclick and they were on sale) so this is an inexpensive preschool "program" that I can use for the next couple of years.

Unplugged Play by Bobbi Conner- using the Preschool section

Toddler's Busy Book and Preschooler's Busy Book by Trish Kuffner

365 Days to a Smarter Preschooler

Science is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook

Before Five in a Row

The Little Hands Art Book by Judy Press

What to Teach before the Numbers by Amazing Grace Learning Centers

What to Teach before the Letters Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Amazing Grace Learning Centers

Homeschooling the Early Years by Linda Dobson