My family and I love books. We love snuggling on the couch with a good book and enjoying the stories. My current kindergartener however, has a short attention span and can't at this time sit for a story that takes more than one sitting. She loves picture books and shuns chapter books. I've had to come up with a book list for her level that I can read to her and she can read to me. I have compiled a list for our school year next year. She will be in 1st grade. As you can tell, the lists are not my own. I wasn't introduced to classic literature as a child. ::sigh:: The marvels of public school education (I went to public school until 6th grade). You miss out on the good stuff like great books.
Most of the books on my list are classics and are readily available at your local library. No need to purchase unless you have more children to go through the first grade.
My first suggestion is that you get this book: Honey for a Child's Heart by Gladys Hunt. Great lists for read alouds and readers for the child. The most important thing is that she is passionate about reading and improving the character of the child. For my full review of the book you can find here.
Sonlight Curriculum has always been praised for their books lists. We used their 2nd grade readers and had a blast. The books were easy-to-read and fun. It was great to hear my 2nd grade giggle over Frog and Toad (more books I missed out on as a child). She would sit and read to her little sister and they would giggle and play like Frog and Toad. Books can build such great memories. We had such a good time that I had to use them for their 1st grade readers as well. Sonlight 1st grade reading list
I found this blog post with a great list of 1st grade readers. A good list of classic books. They are suggesting these books for the child to read. I find some of them to be for advanced 1st graders or maybe to be read toward the end of 1st grade. Classic Book List for 1st grade
For those of you with a more Charlotte Mason flavor, you may want to check out this list: List for Charlotte Mason homeschoolers
Another reading list. Although this one is a PDF file with a printable primary line book report with it. Looks like a good list and some of the books are repeats from previous lists. Book List with Pictures of Books plus Book Report Page
There are other great books you can purchase for lists of great books. I would recommend them if I had read them myself. It's on my to-do list, For now I will leave you to finish planning for the next school year.
Happy Reading!