"This is one notebooking product that will be used over and over through the years. Learning about our presidents is an important part of our american history and being able to notebook about it is even better. This is a current and complete file of all the US Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama. It's also massive with a total of 489 pages! Each page is "themed" meaning that it's heading is for a particular president. No generic pages here except for the Cabinet member form which is the last page in the download. There are 11 pages dedicated to each president with an assortment of regular and primary lines. Now your middle schooler, high schooler and your elementary student can notebook on the same topic. All pages are adorned with the Seal of the President of the United States and most have "doodle boxes" to illustrate important facts. There is even a fact page for each president to record date, death, marriage, children, years served, etc. Another thing I love is that this download comes with a Table of Contents. I know that's an odd thing to point out but it's so handy to be able to print the table of contents and put it in a file and know in a glance (without having to turn on the computer) what notebooking files you have on the computer.
Reasons for 5 star rating:
* Table of Contents
* Regular and Primary lines.
* 11 pages for each president including fact page
* Nicely laid out pages and images
* Good value for the money"
Right now it's only $1.00. It's regular price is $4.99. I love a good deal.
More great links to check out for US Presidents study
President Notebooking by Notebooking Pages.com They usually do a good job but it's usually alot more expensive.
FREEBIE: Notebooking Fairy I can always count on the Notebooking Fairy to have great free pages. These are generic pages. Although that could come in handy. You can print out a bunch and save it in a notebook.
FREEBIE: Activity Village Famous person/US Presidents. Not all presidents, just a few but it's free.
FREEBIE: Homeschool Share Lapbooking Oddles and Oddles of links for lapbook printables with pictures
FREEBIE: Unit Study by another homeschool mom. Geared toward elementary students.
FREEBIE: Homeschool Helper Online Lots of great pages and not just for presidents.
~~Happy Homeschooling